What does the African Catholic Mission do?
The African Mission aims to unite African Catholics in Britain to provide for their spiritual and pastoral care; spread and deepen their Catholic faith; promote and foster vocations and leadership ministries in the Parishes; liaise with the Churches throughout Africa and Britain; maintain African rich culture and liturgy, and advance the ideas of the African Catholic Mission within the framework of the various African Catholic Communities in Britain.
We aim to unite African Catholics in Britain, to provide for their spiritual and pastoral care; spread and deepen their Catholic faith; liaise with the Churches throughout Africa and Britain, and to make the liturgy more meaningful to them. By so doing we seek to foster links with the life of the Church and all people in Britain and Africa. Since 1990, after the first Black Catholic Conference and the Charter, and the response by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, the Church in the UK has made some progress towards racial discrimination and integration of the African Communities in our parishes but it still has a long way to go.
African Catholic Mission intends to unite all African Catholics in Britain by encouraging them to form national Associations and Chaplaincies and Parish Associations and other appropriate groups in their respective national communities and parishes. Establish and maintain strong links with the various African Catholic Communities in Britain. We will provide a forum for mutual and spiritual support; pastoral care and dissemination of information, and to liaise with the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales and the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM)
Our Practical Objectives
We intend to organise fund-raising events to benefit works of charity in Africa. We will alert the African Catholics in the workings of the Church especially, vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and religious life. Engage in religious and social activities that will help to develop and advance the work of the African Mission.
Our Activities
The Summary of African Mission Activities forms one keyword from the letters “O, S, W, P, E, R”. This Keyword is ‘P.O.W.E.R.S’ O for Out-reach; We reach out to African Catholics in the name of Jesus. S for Solidarity: We stand alongside African Catholics and walk side by side with them. W for Welfare: We look after African Catholics in times of joy and sorrow. P for Pastoral: We provide special pastoral care for African Catholics. E for Empowerment: We prepare them to take responsible positions in the Church/Society. R for Responsibility: We encourage a sense of duty and responsibility.
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